the curse strike again....  

Posted by Drew Versak in , ,

So the bike project is on hold. Like I said I move from one thing to another without completing the first, but these bikes are so expensive to fix up and I’m just tired of spending money on them right now. They’re both basically completed; I just need tires for both of them so they should be done whenever I feel like spending the money on them. So my new project.. if you ever been to my apartment you know my style and what I find interesting. I collect everything and anything and my apartment resembles more of a museum that an apartment. I have fossils, entomology mounts, animal bones, bird feathers, rocks, etc. and since my one of my sisters travels the world on a regular basis I have amazing pieces from all over the world. It’s like one big natural history museum and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Ever since I was little I’ve been fascinated with it and always wanted a house that looked like an old Englishman’s study (think Darwin after his trip on the HMS Beagle) with wall-to-wall bookcases filled with field guides and artifacts from his world travels, with a big leather chair in the corner and deep maroon walls with bug specimens and glass cases filled with pre-historic ax heads and taxidermy birds. (When I have a house this WILL be one of the spare rooms… lol) On to the project… Ever since I could remember I wanted a curiosity cabinet. This is before I actually started to make a conscious effort to collect things to put in it, they just always looked neat and interesting to me and I wanted one. So I looked around online for some ideas.. Originally I was just going to buy a cabinet and try to convert it into a curiosity cabinet (what you can buy are just regular curio cabinets and not really a curiosity cabinet that has a ton of different shelves and spaces to put things instead of just the 3 or 4 long shelves that come with a regular curio.) It wasn’t looking good on the buying front so on the train ride home the day I decided I wanted one, I remembered a book I read awhile ago about Victorian paper mache furniture and figured I could make my own cabinet out of cardboard and paper mache and customize it anyway I wanted. After dropping $40 on boxes from the UPS Store I went home and got to cutting. Here’s the first two shots of what’s done so far.. The first one was going to be the original design but the 2nd photo was the updated design to give it more height. I’m not sure if I’m going to keep it a table top cabinet or add a base to give it more of a wow factor but I’ll keep ya posted.

this is the first version

with the doors, the cut-outs are going to have small willow branches running vertically

newest update and probably the final version

the second level with the two shelves is going to have double doors as well.

(it looks small in these pictures but the cabinet it about 2 1/2 feet high and 3 feet wide)

I'm going to start the paper mache tonight most likely so I'll post those pictures tomorrow.

This entry was posted on Monday, October 13, 2008 at Monday, October 13, 2008 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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